About Us
Here at Serene Routine, we love to design, build, & test new & innovative ways to display nature & house our plant & animal friends. With the proper husbandry, appeal, & quality at the forefront of our research & dedication, we take pride in our living art. Our mission is to share zoo quality nature displays that will encourage more people to create a productive & beneficial daily routine that consists of learning about, interacting with, & enjoying the serenity of nature in their space.
Full StoryOur Services
Custom Built & Retrofit Projects
Pre-Designed & Pre-Built Options
Vivariums, Terrariums, & Paludariums
The Benefits of Nature
Being in nature or even viewing displays of nature can reduce anger, fear, & stress. Exposure to nature not only makes us feel better emotionally, it also contributes to our wellbeing, reducing blood pressure, heart rate, muscle tension, & the production of stress hormones.
The stress of an unsettling environment can cause us to feel anxious, sad, or helpless. These feelings can elevate our blood pressure, heart rate, muscle tension & suppresses our immune system.
One study undergone shows that 95% of those interviewed said their mood improved after spending time in nature, going from feeling depressed, stressed, & anxious to more calm & balanced. Other studies suggest that time spent in nature can help create a positive mood, psychological wellbeing, meaningfulness & vitality.
We can't always escape the bondage of society & retreat into the woods for some nature therapy. So we found a way to bring nature to you, so you can enjoy the benefits of nature anywhere, at anytime.
The Proper Habitat
The most ideal captive environment simulates all elements of the plants & animals natural habitat. But not just their habitat...
All organisms have a major habitat & a micro habitat. The major habitat is the general ecosystem the animal lives in. The micro habitat is the portion of the major habitat that any given species will use for lifestyle & resources.
Micro habitat lifestyle can be quite different between species even in the same geographic location. It's important to the animals well-being that we understand their natural characteristics.
Elements of the micro habitat include optimal temperatures, daylight length, terrain use, water use, & diet. The main factors required to have the most ideal enclosure include: providing the proper habitat, temperatures, lighting, humidity, & water.
Our enclosures are designed & built to be setup fully bio-active or simple & semi naturalistic & may include electronic equipment, a built in artificial rock background & water feature. Allowing you to maintain the proper major/micro habitat elements for your plants & animals.